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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau, Joseph Humeston, Ted Kreinik, Martha LaMarche, Robert Morey, Margaret Oliger, Donald Sharpe, and Wes Thompson  

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development

Mr. Rau called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Public Participation – Lynn Buttner, 28 Lake Road, and Pat Bailey, 107 Brushy Hill Road, representatives from the Newtown Women's Club GFWC, discussed launching a national program to support USA products and jobs.  They would like to start in Newtown and then within Connecticut and then progress to it becoming a national program.  Their hopes are to standardize labels that would identify products either made or assembled in the USA.  They are asking the commission for morale support and recognition.  Discussion followed.  Ms. LaMarche motioned to support the concept of the Newtown Women's Club GFWC attempt to launch a national program to support USA products and jobs.  The motion seconded by Mr. Humeston.  Motion carried unanimously.

Acceptance of MinutesMr. Humeston motioned to approve minutes of May , 2010.  Motion seconded by Mr. Sharpe.  The minutes were approved unanimously.


Director, Economic and Community Development – Report attached.

Subcommittee Reports

Maximization of Sites for Economic Development – Mr. Rau went to the ZBA meeting regarding Sugar Street, LLC and the Merrifield's proposal to expand their auto body shop and convenience store.  Many neighbors objecting were there.  The property is nonconforming and there are zoning restrictions.  Mr. Rau and Ms. Stocker met with George Benson and Lilla Dean to discuss primary areas for future economic development.  Four areas of town were discussed, i.e., Mt. Pleasant Road, including Hawleyville Road, which would require an extension of the water main and a pump station; Barnabus Road; Sandy Hook Center; Fairfield Hills; and some areas of South Main Street.

Business Advocacy/Retention – Mr. Kreinik said that 30 resumes were submitted for the Communications Coordinator position.  Interviews will be set up for the 16th or 17th.  The RFP was distributed and will be reviewed by Bob Tait.  Names of final six candidates will be sent to the commission.  Mr. Humeston motioned that the commission gives the power to the subcommittee to select a contractor for the Communications Coordinator position.  Seconded by Mr. Kreinik.  Motion carried unanimously.  A name has to be given to Ms. Stocker the latest the morning of June 24th.  

Evaluate/Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids – The committee discussed the frequency of the newsletter e-blasts (monthly vs. quarterly), who would contribute articles, and who would be the target audience(s).  One suggestion was to have each subcommittee take turns publishing an article in a quarterly newsletter and then allowing for flexibility to send special issues if the need arises.  Ideas are to be e-mailed to Ms. LaMarche and Ms. Stocker.  Ms. Stocker showed a folder with information put together by Sandormax showcasing the Tech Park and Fairfield Hills.  She explained that contents of the folder could be customized for individual companies.  The commission discussed placing an ad in The Bee asking businesses to meet with the EDC to discuss their business and then have a brief article in The Bee showcasing their business.  The commission rejected the Sandormax marketing proposal because of increased cost.  Alternatives were discussed.  Mr. Humeston motioned to give Ms. Stocker and the subcommittee authority to determine an appropriate proposal to encumber the funds.  Motion seconded by Mr. Morey.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Development of Tech Park – Inland Wetlands Commission set their public hearing for July 14, 2010.

Strategic Plan – Item tabled.

Old Business

AFS Status – Mr. Rau discussed the June 9th public hearing at the Inland Wetlands Commission.  It will be continued to June 23rd.  

Farmer’s Market – Mr. Thompson discussed the Farmer's Market being held at Fairfield Hills.  George Benson wrote an amendment to the town regulations that will be presented to the Fairfield Hills Authority and then will be sent to Planning & Zoning for approval.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk
June 15, 2010

Monthly updates to the EDC web site ( continue to be made as needed.  The editorial that appeared in the June 8th New York Real Estate Journal and several new business resource links were added.  I believe there is an increase in the number of calls from people who want to open new businesses (start up).  

An ad is scheduled for the July issue of the New England REJ, CT section where the focus is on Economic Development Commissions.  The ½ page ad will be accompanied by a 700 word editorial.  Our ad cost is $425. The deadline for the ad and copy is next Thursday, 6/24.  Marty will write the editorial for this issue.  

Loop Net continues to provide ongoing feed back on our listings for Fairfield Hills and the Tech Park.  A couple of new leads for Fairfield Hills have been turned over to Mike Struna.

The two signs for the Tech Park should be in place by the end of the month.  The cost is $708 and will be encumbered from this year budget.  

The following business visits were undertaken this month: Sandy Hook Barber Shop, Tier One, Curtis Packaging (with CGI), Blue Colony Diner, Ace Hardware.   

Projects moving through the land use agencies include the Villa Project in Sandy Hook where a 5,000 sf NS bank and 5,600 sf day care facility are proposed; AFS is proposing a 30,800 sf addition and additional parking at the former Pitney Bowes plant on Edmond Road.  Walgreens submitted their final site plan for South Main Street.  Other projects that are expected include new buildings proposed for construction on Dusty Lane and on Pecks Lane.

Our Intern, Kim Cadena, is working on a development potential analysis for Hawleyville and the Route 6 corridor.  This project is identical in scope to the previous exercise completed for Sandy Hook Center and should be helpful to both the Economic Development and Planning and Zoning Commissions in understanding the relationship between available land and zoning.  

EDC support and comments on the Sandy Hook Streetscape Program is requested.   

A budget work program for FY 2010-2011 is attached for your review & discussion.